In the last issue I gave details of measures we are taking to improve our roads network. I want to update this information. The MRC is presently soliciting tenders for a complete and comprehensive evaluation of its entire road network. We, therefore, will await the results for Ogden in order to guide us for our own network. The tenders will be submitted towards the end of April and the analysis should be completed in 2024. In the meantime, three roads had already been listed by a previous similar MRC analysis. Beebe, Stanstead and Cedarville roads were identified as problematic to the extent that technical studies/analyses as well as actual improvements are eligible for MTQ subsidies (Ministère des Transports du Québec). We are in the process of evaluating technical analysis offers starting with Cedarville, the result of which will confirm the nature of the work required to bring this road up to an acceptable standard. The others will follow in due course. David Lépine, mayor Comments are closed.
January 2025
Please note that the date of publication stated on the public notice refers to the date on which the notice is posted on the municipal bulletin boards in accordance with the law, and not to the date on which it is posted on this website.