Perhaps surprisisingly for a small municipality like Ogden, there is a truly rich history to be uncovered. In this short booklet we have only been able to provide abbreviated versions of the various chapters of this history. We encourage the reader to explore more expanded articles on exactly the same topics (and more) on our website. http://www. heritageogden. ca The annual seasonal flu vaccination campaign is underway acrossQuebec covered by the Integrated University Health and Social Services Center of Estrie – Sherbrooke University Hospital Center (CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS). Art Classes given by Kathy Teasdale, an artist with experience in oils, water colour, acrylics, pencil crayon, pastel and mixed media. The participants will be lead through different projects and no experience is required, only a desire to have fun and be creative. Kathy will be contacting each participant to prepare for classes. Participants will provide their own materials. Reserve for classes: [email protected] (Minimum of 8 people required) Location: Ogden town hall, 70 Ogden Road. Day and time: Thursdays, 9:00 am to 12:00. Start date: January 26, 2023 for eight weeks. This course is free for Ogden residents and is organized by the Ogden Culture and Leisure Committee
The mayor and his councillors invite you to a festive and neighbourly get-together Saturday, December 10th from 2 to 4pm. Public notice to interested persons entitled to sign a request to participate in the approval procedure of persons qualified to vote with regard to the second draft of "By-law number 2022.17 amending zoning by-law 2000.03 in order to add provisions relating to hobby farming (chickens) as well as to add provisions relating to the use of maritime containers as accessory buildings. Please be advised that at a regular meeting of Council held on November 7'h 2022, the Municipality of Ogden has adopted By-law No. 2022.20 respecting the treatment of the Mayor and Councillors of the Municipality of Ogden abolishing by-law 2020.09. |
January 2025
Please note that the date of publication stated on the public notice refers to the date on which the notice is posted on the municipal bulletin boards in accordance with the law, and not to the date on which it is posted on this website.